

三洋エネループ NC-M47

Type: 4-bay charger (dumb charger)

取扱説明書:  NC M47
充電オプション: 単4形乾電池、単3形乾電池、1~4本
単3形(スタンダード)の充電率: 150mA x2 /x4
単4形(スタンダード)の充電率:: 90mA x2 /x4
個別充電: No
色: White
入力電源: 100V 50-60Hz
地域: Japan only.
詳報: -

三洋エネループ NC-MQN04

Type: 4-bay charger (dumb charger)

取扱説明書: Sanyo NC-MQN04 manual: EN version
Charge: AAA, AA  2- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 250mA x2 /x4
Charge rate std AAA: 120mA x2 /x4
Individual charging: 無い
Colors: 白
Voltage: 230V 50-60Hz
Market: ヨーロッパのみ
Other info: This product code charger was not available in Japan. Only works in 230V regions.
Led on=charging
Led off=charge finished

三洋エネループ NC-MQN06

Type: 4-bay charger (semi dumb/ semi smart charger)

マニュアル: NC-MQN06 manual: 英語版
Charge: AAA, AA  2- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 300mA x2 /x4
Charge rate std AAA: 150mA x2 /x4
Individual charging: 無い
Colors: 白
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: 国際版
Other info:
Led flashing=charging
Led on=done charging
Led off=no batteries inserted.
US version SEC-MQN06COST was for Costco only.
This charger is not recommended because it charges batteries only in pairs. According to the manual it looks like it does cut the charge when the batteries are fully charged though. Also, do not confuse this with the NC-MQR06 which is a real smart and quick charger. See below.

三洋エネループ NC-MQN09 (w)

Type: 4-bay charger (dumb charger)

Manual: NC-MQN09 manual: EN version
Charge: AAA, AA  2- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 300mA x2 /x4
Charge rate std AAA: 150mA x2 /x4
Individual charging: No
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: International version.
Other info:
Led on=charging
Led off=charge finished
Led blinking= no batteries, wrongly inserted batteries / non rechargeable batteries inserted.
Includes an Asian/American plug for travelling. And they seem to be mainly sold in the mid/eastern Europe region. The Japanese version is probably called the NC-TGC01

三洋エネループ NC-TGL01

Type: 4-bay charger (dumb charger)

Manual: NC-TGL01 manual: JP version
Charge: AAA, AA  2- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 300mA x2 /x4
Charge rate std AAA: 150mA x2 /x4
Individual charging: No
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan
Other info: 海外モデル名: BC-MQN10ASEC-TGN10COST コストコで売っている

三洋エネループ NC-M58

Type: 4-bay smart and quick charger

Manual: NC-M58 manual: JP version
Charge: AAA, AA  1- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 1275mA 1-2 / 565mA 3-4
Charge rate std AAA: 310mA x2
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan
Other info: Not to confuse with the NC-MR58 which has a Refresh function. This one came out the year eneloop was introduced, so this is officially not an "eneloop charger".

三洋エネループ NC-MDR02

Type: 2-bay Advanced smart and quick charger

Manual: NC-MDR02 manual: JP version and MDR02 English version
Charge: AAA, AA  1- 2  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 550mA 1-2
Charge rate std AAA: 380mA 1-2
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: International
Other info: Auto cutoff at 6 hours. Led on=charging Led off= timer off. Only sold as a set with batteries.


Type: 2-bay charger, smart and quick charger

Manual: Sanyo NC-MDR03 manual: English
Charge: AAA, AA  1-2  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 600mA 1-2
Charge rate std AAA: 380mA 1-2
Individual charging: No
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: International
Other info: The charging indicator will turn off when charging is complete.

三洋エネループ NC-MDU01

Type: 2-bay USB Advanced smart charger

Manual: Manual NC-MDU01: JP version , Manual NC-MDU01: EN version 
Charge: AAA, AA  1- 2  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 850mA x1 / 450mA x2
Charge rate std AAA: 850 mA x1 /  450mA x2
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: USB 5V 0.5A
Market: International including Japan
Other info: Led blinking=charging Led on= charge complete.

三洋エネループ NC-MQH01(U)

Type: 4-bay Quick smart charger

Manual: Manual NC-MQH01: EN version 
 ? (around 2006-2007)
Charge: AA AAA 1- 4  batteries (NiMH + NiCad)
Charge rate std AA: Depending on the capacity. See this charge overview image
Charge rate std AAA: Depending on the capacity.
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market:  International
Other info:  A Sanyo charger that has been produced for other brands as well, including Hama, Kodak, Samsung and Maxell. It's a fast charger that can charge individual cells. It uses LEDs to indicated the currect charge, red= 50% or less, orange = between 50% and 80%, and green is 80% or more.. If LED is turned off: fully charged.


三洋エネループ NC-MQH03(U)

Type: 4-bay Quick smart charger

Manual: Manual NC-MQH03: EN version 
Charge: AA AAA 1- 4  batteries (NiMH)
Charge rate std AA: 1-2 batteries 60min (2000mA) , 3-4 batteries 120min (1000mA)
Charge rate std AAA: 1-2 batteries 60min (800mA), 3-4 batteries 120 min (400mA)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market:  International
Other info:  First it was only part of a Eneloop Family Pack at Costco Canada, but later also sold in Asia. See more info on Candlepowerforums. 

sanyo nc mqh03 charger in blister package

三洋エネループ NC-MQR06

Type: 4-bay Quick smart charger

Manual: Manual NC-MQR06: EN version 
Charge: AA AAA 1- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 560mA x4 / 1120mA x2 / 1680mA x1
Charge rate std AAA: 280mA x4 / 560mA x2 / 840mA x1
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market:  International
Other info:  A charger that was liked by many battery enthusiasts back in the day. It's still a good charger I believe. In Europe they also had this charger sold as an Eneloop Pro charger (Black) with the product code: BC-MQR06. In Japan sold under the product name: NC-TGR01

sanyo charger MQR06

三洋エネループ NC-MR58

Type: 4-bay Quick smart charger with Refresh function

Manual: Manual NC-MR58: JP version 
Charge: AA  1- 4  batteries AAA 1-2 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 565mA x4 / 1275mA x2
Charge rate std AAA: 310mA x2
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market:  Japan
Other info:  This is a very interesting charger as it has a Battery check and battery Refresh function. In order to get the most capacity back after using the batteries for a long time.

三洋エネループ NC-TDR02

Type: 2-bay Quick smart charger

Manual: EN version 
Charge: AA 1-2  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 550mA x2
Charge rate std AAA: -
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market:  US, Canada
Other info:  A small charger that only charges AA batteries. No AAA batteries. Also known as SEC NC TDR02.

sec-tdr02 battery charger

三洋エネループ NC-TG1

Type: 4-bay smart charger

Manual: Manual NC-TG1: JP version 
Charge: AA AAA 1- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 300mA x4
Charge rate std AAA: 150mA x4
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-120V
Market:  Japan
Other info: The charger is also know for the NC-MQN05 on the overseas market!

三洋エネループ NC-TGN01

Type: 4-bay Quick smart charger

Manual: Manual NC-TGN01: JP version
Charge: AA AAA 1- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 300mA x4 / 600mA x2
Charge rate std AAA: 150mA x4 / 300mA x2
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-120V
Market:  Japan only
Other info:  -

三洋エネループ NC-TGR01

Type: 4-bay quick smart charger

Manual: Manual NC-TGR01: JP version
 2007 April
Charge: AA AAA 1- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 560mA x4 / 1120mA x2 / 1680mA x1
Charge rate std AAA: 280mA x4 / 560mA x2 / 840mA x1
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V
Market:  Japan
Other info:  Possibly the same charger as the NC-MQR06 overseas.

三洋エネループ NC-TGR02

Type: 2-bay quick smart charger

Manual: Manual NC-TGR02: JP version 
 2007 April
Charge: AA AAA 1- 2  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 550mA x2
Charge rate std AAA: 380mA x2
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V
Market:  Japan
Other info:  Also rebranded under the name Tamiya AC quick charger in Japan.

三洋エネループ NC-TGR03

Type: 4-bay Quick smart charger + Refresh function

Manual: Manual NC-TGR03: JP version
Charge: AA 1-4 batteries AAA 1- 2  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 565mA x4 / 1275mA x2
Charge rate std AAA: 310mA x2
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V
Market:  Japan
Other info:  Another special charger that has an inbuilt battery check and Refresh function to bring back up the capacity of older/more used cells.

Group 3 Sanyo eneloop chargers: Special

Multi charger and Charge station

三洋エネループ NC-TGU01

Type: 12-bay smart charger

Manual: Manual NC-TGU01: JP version  
Charge: AA AAA 1-8 batteries C 1-4 batteries D 1-4 batteries
Charge rate std D: 784mA x4
Charge rate std C: 784mA x4
Charge rate std AA: 280mA x8 / 560mA x4
Charge rate std AAA: 280mA x8 / 560mA x4
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: 100-240V
Market:  Japan
Other info:  The only C and D cell charger that Sanyo produced I believe. Overseas model called NC-TGU01W

三洋エネループ NC-M555ECS-W

Type: Charge station

Manual: Manual NC-M555: JP version 
Charge: not charging by itself
Charge rate std AA: depending on charger used
Charge rate std AAA: depending
Individual charging: depending
Colors: White
Voltage: 100V only
Market:  Japan only
Other info:  Works in combination with the following chargers:
NC-M58, NC-M57, NC-M55, NC-MR58, NC-MR57, NC-MR56.
Chargers are not included.

三洋エネループ NC-WL1

Type: Wireless Qi charger

Charge: Qi, on a wireless charge board
Charge rate std AA: (180 min)
Charge rate std AAA: (70min)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White and Black
Voltage: Qi charge only
Market:  Japan only
Other info:  Sanyo never released their Qi pad, but Panasonic did. So they can be charged off the Panasonic QE-TM101 board. Available with 2 AA batteries in the package. Official product code: N-WL01S-W for the white version and N-WL01S-K for the black version. The Panasonic equivalent to the QE-CV201.



The first 9 chargers below are Panasonic BQ-CC01 - BQ-CC10 chargers that were produced until 2013 from when they started carrying the Eneloop trademark. But to make this website as complete as possible, I`m adding the manuals for as much of these chargers as I could possibly find. The BQ-CC04 does not exist, probably due to the number 4, which is an unlucky number in Japan as it`s related to the word death.
Scroll down for the other chargers. Sanyo and Panasonic recommend to charge eneloop batteries with these chargers only. I don't think that is necessary!


No manual available


Manual (JP)


Manual (Intl.)


Manual (Intl.)


Manual (Intl.)


Manual (Intl.)


Manual (JP)


Manual (Intl.)


Manual (JP)

パナソニック BQ-CC11

Type: 4-bay fast smart charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC11: JP version 
 2013, April
Charge: AAA, AA  1- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 550mA (4 batteries 4hours) fast (2 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 275mA (4 batteries 3 hours) fast (1.5 hours)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan only.
Other info: This is a special 0V charger. Which means that it basically not uses any Voltage when plugged in without batteries.

These are a few Panasonic chargers that were only available with Evolta batteries. Nonetheless I added them for a good overview. BQ-CC13 doesn`t seem to exist!


Manual (JP)



no manual available
but there is a review done by HKJ


Manual (JP)
Same as BQ-CC25

パナソニック BQ-CC16 

Type: 4-bay fast smart charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC16: multi-language
Charge: AAA, AA  1- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 550mA (4 batteries 4hours) fast (2 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 275mA (4 batteries 3 hours) fast (1.5 hours)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Overseas only, not available in Japan
Other info: This is a fast charger that detects when a battery is fully charged. You can mix AA and AAA. Reviewed by HKJ

パナソニック BQ-CC17 

Type: 4-bay advanced smart charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC17: Intl. version
Date: unknown
Charge: AAA, AA  1- 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 300mA (1-4 batteries)
Charge rate std AAA: 150mA (1-4 batteries)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Overseas only, not available in Japan
Other info: Smart charger that detects when a battery is fully charged. Mix AA and AAA is possible.  Reviewed by HKJ.

パナソニック BQ-CC18

Type: 4-bay dumb charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC18: Intl. version 
Charge: AAA, AA 2 or 4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 200mA (2 or 4 batteries)
Charge rate std AAA: 100mA (2 or 4 batteries)
Individual charging: No
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Overseas only, not available in Japan
Other info: It charges continually for 13 hours. It`s a dumb charger, which means that it will continually charge for 13 hours. It will not stop when the batteries are full. I do not recommend this charger! Reviewed by HKJ. There is also another BQ-C51 which I think is the same, just looks a little different.

パナソニック BQ-CC20

Type: 2-bay AA smart charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC20: JP version
Charge: AA 1-2  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 450mA
Charge rate std AAA: not possible
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: Green and white
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan only.
Other info: This is not an eneloop charger, this is from before Panasonic branded eneloops.

Evolta-kun is his name.
His eyes will change colors during charging.
This is not an eneloop, but a Panasonic Evolta branded.
I don`t like the way they coded this charger. BQ-CC20 comes after 11, 17 and 18, (which were sold with eneloop batteries). So although this one is from 2011 it was already called the BQ-CC20.

パナソニック BQ-CC21

Type: 4-bay smart charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC21: JP version
Japan, April 2013
Charge: AAA, AA 1-4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 550mA (1-2 batteries 4 hours, 3-4 batteries 8 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 275mA (1-2 batteries 1.5 hours, 3-4 batteries 3 hours)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White and Black
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan only
Other info: Available in black and white. Just like many other Panasonic chargers it chargers double the speed when used with only 1-2 batteries. The charge rate above is for 4 batteries only. 550mA*2=1100mA per battery when charged alone, or in pair.

パナソニック BQ-CC22

Type: 4-bay smart charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC22: JP version 
Japan, April 2013
Charge: AAA 1-2 batteries, AA 1-4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 275mA (1-2 batteries 4 hours, 3-4 batteries 8 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 138mA (1-2 batteries 3 hours) in combination with 2AA, 6 hours)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan only
Other info: Not available separately, only with a set of batteries. There are only 2 AAA slots, and 4 AA slots. So the rate mentioned above is with 1-4AA and 1-2AAA +AA.

パナソニック BQ-CC23

Type: 2-bay smart charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC23: JP version
Japan, April 2013
Charge: AAA, AA 1-2  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 550mA (4hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 550mA (1.5 hours)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan only
Other info: Available with AA eneloop and Panasonic evolta batteries. Also separately for sale. Can be used with Pro, Std and Lite

パナソニック BQ-CC24

Type: 2-bay lite, dumb charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC24: JP version
Japan, April 2013
Charge: AAA, AA 1-2  batteries
Charge rate AA lite: 160mA (7hours)
Charge rate AAA lite: 105mA (7 hours?)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan only
Other info: BQCC24 is only available with eneloop Lite batteries and Panasonic Evolta. Not for sale without any batteries. The Japanese manual only shows charging time for Lite batteries.  Std and Pro can`t be fully charged with this charger unless you charge them twice, as is mentioned in the manual. So not recommended for other batteries than eneloop lite!

パナソニック BQ-CC25 / BQ-CC15

Type: 4-bay smart? charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC25: JP version see BQ-CC15 for intl version.
Japan, April 2013
Charge: 9V,D, C, AAA,AA 1-4  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 400mA (6hours) 550mA*4 /400mA*4 / 180mA*4
Charge rate std AAA: (6 hours?)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan only
Other info: A D and C size charger plus 9V. 4 bays, with 2 slots left and 2 slots right. Max 2 batteries per 2 slots, don`t mix 2 types in these 2 slots. 1 type on left 2 bays, and another type on right 2 bays is fine however. I don`t understand AAA is 6 hours if charge current is 180mA. BQ-CC25 seems to be the same, but only available in Japan. BC-CC15 is available worldwide.

パナソニック BQ-CC43

Type: 4-bay smart charger

Manual: -
Charge: AA+AAA 1-4  batteries
Charge rate std AA:  300mA*4 (7 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 225mA*4 (4hours)
Individual charging: Yes
Colors: Black only
Voltage: 100-240V
Market: Japan only
Other info: Only available at Costco in Japan as a set. The set is : k-kj43mcc84. Green LED during charge, LED turned off when not charging.

パナソニック BQ-CC50 (E/U)

Type: 2-bay dumb charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC50: International version
Charge: AA+AAA 1-2  batteries
Charge rate std AA: 200mA (10 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 80mA (10 hours)
Individual charging: Yes,
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Overseas only
Other info: Can mix AA and AAA. Auto cut off at 13 hours. Has a charging indicator, but I don`t think it uses different colors.

パナソニック BQ-CC51 (E/A)

Type: 4-bay dumb charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC51: International version 
Charge: AA+AAA 2 or 4 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 200mA (10 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 80mA (10 hours)
Individual charging: no, only in pairs
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Overseas only
Other info: This is a dumb charger. It will charge continuously for 13 hours. It does not have an indicator if a battery is full. Only charges in pairs of AA or AA, do not mix 1 AA and 1 AAA. This model is only available for the overseas market, not in Japan. This charger is not recommended.
There is also a BQ-CC51E which looks differently.. I dont know if they are the same.

パナソニック BQ-CC52 

Type: 2-bay lite dumb? charger

Manual: パナソニック BQ-CC52 
Japan, April 2015
Charge: AA+AAA 2 or 4 batteries
Charge rate AA lite: 200mA (6 hours)
Charge rate AAA lite: 115mA (6 hours)
Individual charging: no, only in pairs
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan only
Other info: This is a charger especially designed for eneloop lite. It will charge rather slowly. It does not have an indicator if a battery is full. Automatically stops after 6 hours charging. Stops charging when full, but LED will stay on till 6 hours.  Personally I don`t recommend this behavior.

パナソニック BQ-CC53 

Type: 4-bay fast smart charger

Manual: パナソニック BQ-CC53
Japan, November 2015
Charge: AA+AAA 1- 4 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 300mA (7 hours) fast (3.5 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 225mA (4 hours) fast (2 hours)
Individual charging: yes
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan only
Other info: A fast and smart charger.

パナソニック BQ-CC55

Type: 4-bay quick smart charger (Eneloop PRO charger)

ManualManual BQ-CC55: Intl. version 
 Japan, November 2015
Charge: AA+AAA 1 - 4 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 4*800mA (3 hours) fast charging (1.5 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 4*300mA (3 hours) fast charging (1.5 hours)
Individual charging: yes, fast
Colors: Black and White
Voltage: International 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: worldwide
Other info: LED colors used to show charge status.
Fast charging: 1 or 2 batteries normal: 3 or 4 batteries
Red=0-20%   (Blinking red= Error, non rechargeable battery)
Yellow=20-80% (Blinking yellow= Battery need replacement)
Green=80% or more
Off= Fully charged
It can detect if the battery is rechargeable or not. It can also detect if a battery is in bad shape. Reviewed by HKJ and FilterJoe.

There is also another BQ-CC55, without the multi colored LEDs. It has some smaller 1 color leds. And I dont think the 2 chargers are the same.
The BQ-CC55 is sometimes referred to as the Eneloop PRO charger, because it`s sold with eneloop PRO batteries and sometimes with standard batteries in a set.

パナソニック BQ-CC57

Type: 4-bay smart charger with powerbank funtionality

Manual: パナソニック BQ-CC57
Japan, November 2015
Charge: AA+AAA 1 - 4 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 4*550mA (4 hours) fast charging (2 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 4*275mA (3 hours) fast charging (1.5 hours)
Individual charging: yes, fast
Colors: White
Voltage: International 100-240V 50-60Hz
USB out: 5V 1A
Market: worldwide
Other info: colored LED for charging status. (Batteries pictured are eneloop batteries for the Japanese market) Fast charging when 1-2 batteries used. Normal charging when 3-4 batteries are used. mix AA and AAA is possible. Reviewed by HKJ 

パナソニック BQ-CC61

Type: 4-bay USB dumb charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC61: JP version 
Japan January 2017
Charge: AA+AAA 2 or 4 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 200mA (10 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 80mA (10 hours)
Individual charging: no, only in pairs
Colors: Black and White
Voltage: USB voltage, 5V
Market: Japan and Europe
Other info: colored LED for charging status. (Batteries pictured are eneloop batteries for the Japanese market) Can charge only in pairs of AA or AAA, do not mix 1 AA and 1 AAA

パナソニック BQ-CC63

Type: 8-bay charger

Manual: Manual BQ-CC63 
Japan 2017
Charge: AA+AAA 1 to 8 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 500mA
Charge rate std AAA: 300mA
Individual charging: Yess
Colors: White
Voltage: Intl. voltage 100-240V, 50-60Hz
Market: Japan and Europe
Other info: -

パナソニック BQ-CC65 (E/U)

タイプ: 4-bay主力製品出力とLCDディスプレイを備えたスマートチャージャー

マニュアル: Manual BQ-CC65: 国際版
生産日 発表日 2017年5月 2017年12月より発売
Charge: AA+AAA 1-4 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 2*AA 1.5 hours 4*AA=3 hours
Charge rate std AAA: 2*AAA=1.5hours 4*AAA=3hours
Individual charging: yes
Colors: Black
Voltage: International 100-240V , 50-60Hz
USB-out: 5V 1A only when plugged in (Not a powerbank feature!)
Market: EU/UK
Other info: Includes an LCD display with battery status to show Voltage, Watt and Wh. It also includes a Refresh mode. The USB-out is not a powerbank feature, unfortunately, but it can be used while the charger is plugged in. Charging the batteries and the USB-out function do not work at the same time.

パナソニック BQ-CC71

Type: 4-bay smart charger

Manual: -N/A Manual BQ-CC71AM
Japan, July 2018
Charge: AA+AAA
Charge rate std AA: ??? no information
Charge rate std AAA: ???
Individual charging: >>??
Colors: Black
Voltage: International 100-240V , 50-60Hz
Market: Japan
Other info: Made specifically for Amazon Japan, therefore the product name BQ-CC71AM.

パナソニック BQ-CC73

Type: 4-bay

Manual: -N/A Manual BQ-CC73AM
Japan, July 2018
Charge: AA+AAA
Charge rate std AA: ??? no information
Charge rate std AAA: ???
Individual charging: >>??
Colors: Black
Voltage: International 100-240V , 50-60Hz
Market: Japan
Other info: Made specifically for Amazon Japan, therefore the product name BQ-CC73AM. Available with Eneloop standard and Eneloop Pro batteries. And the pictures of these batteries look strange.. black and white eneloops... or maybe it's just a Japanese things that they are not allowed to show the blue colors?

パナソニック BQ-CC75 (BQ-CC75ASBA)

Type: 4-bay smart charger with USB-out*

Manual: Manual BQ-CC75: English ,  Manual BQ-CC75: French  
 October 2017
Charge: AA+AAA 1-4 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 300mA (7 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 150mA (5-6 hours)
Individual charging: yes
Colors: White only
Voltage: 100-240V
USB-out: 5V 1A only when plugged in (Not a powerbank feature!)
Market: US
Other info: Originally a Costco US dedicated eneloop rechargeable battery kit. Comes only as a set with white eneloop batteries (Costco used to have dark blue wrappers). 6 AA batteries, 4 AAA batteries, 4 pieces of AA to C size adapters  and 4 pieces of AA to D adapters. Item# 1185756 The USB seems to be only working While the Charger is plugged into a wall socket, and not as a powerbank feature. Thanks to CPF member fmc1 for the picture, the manual and the charger he sent. Update: Now also separately available!

Panasonic bq-cc75

パナソニック BQ-CC80 

Type: 2 bay dumb USB charger

Manual: No manual available yet
Europe 2018?
Charge: AA+AAA 1 - 2
Charge rate std AA: 10 hours (200mA)
Charge rate std AAA: 10 hours (200mA)
Individual charging: yes
Colors: White
Voltage: USB 5V input
Market: Europe
Other info: The specs show a charge current of 200mA x1 for AA batteries and 80mA for AAA batteries.. So that looks like it charges only 1 battery at a time. This is not a powerbank. During charging the charge indicator LED stays on, and turns off when it finishes. The product code, including batteries is: K-KJ80MCC


パナソニック BQ-CC83 

Manual: パナソニック BQ-CC83
 Japan, September 2018
Charge: AA+AAA 1 - 4 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 1-2 (3.5 hours) 3-4 (7 hours)
Charge rate std AAA: 1-2 (2 hours 15 minutes)3-4 (4 hours 30 minutes)
Individual charging: yes
Colors: White
Voltage: International 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan
Other info: available with Panasonic Eneloop batteries as well as Panasonic Evolta batteries.


パナソニック BQ-CC85 

Manual: パナソニックBQ-CC85
 Japan, September 2018
Charge: AA+AAA 1 - 4 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 1-2 (1 hour 30 minutes) 3-4 (3 hours) 750mA x4
Charge rate std AAA: 1-2 (1 hours 30 minutes)3-4 (3 hours) 275mA x4
Individual charging: yes
Colors: White
Voltage: International 100-240V 50-60Hz
Market: Japan
Other info: Only available without batteries.


パナソニック BQ-CC87 

Type: smart charger with powerbank feature and flashlight

Manual: パナソニック BQ-CC87
Japan, July 2019
Charge: AA+AAA 1 - 4 batteries
Charge rate std AA: 1-2 (2 hours 15 minutes) 3-4 (5 hours 30 minutes)
Charge rate std AAA: 1-2 (2 hours) 3-4 (4 hours)
Individual charging: yes
Colors: White
Voltage: Charged by a USB device.
Market: Japan
Other info: The first charger Panasonic makes that includes a powerbank feature. There is no power cord included since it's charging off any USB charger. Besides these great features they also included a small LED light, that you can attach to the USB port for emergencies. This is an exciting new addition to their current lineup. The only con: available in Japan only!




  1. Panasonic BQ-CC65
  2. Panasonic BQ-CC55
  3. Panasonic BQ-CC17
  4. 三洋 NC-MQR06 (生産終了)
  5. 三洋 NC-MR58 (生産終了)